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The National 2008 Critique

MPD 1 Shannon’s Erewhon Dambuster, just a 6 moths baby, sowing spring of step, very nice length of head, small ears and excellent large and placed teeth, large nose. Nice rise over loin, and good body condition.

PD 1 Taylor’s Kilbourne James Dene, 10 months, good size and bone, long head and excellent teeth with good size canines. Nice rise over loin in good body condition, good length of second thigh, sound moving.

JD(5)1 1 Hawkins’ Kwaricott Archimago, good outline and balance, would like more length of head, good set and feel of ears, dark eye and length of neck. Good rise over loin and long second thigh, moved adequately. 2 Buck’s Tomegem Fitzban The Fabulous, similar size, better length of head, excellent body for age, neck needs more length, short hocks, not moving with any drive. 3 Sturart/Holt’s Tomegem Montrachet.

PGD(14) 1 Helps, Greyriars Gille Of Beardswood, stands over a lot of ground but is balanced. Excells in length and type of head, good neck, excellent depth and filled-in brisket, wide pin bones, harsh coat , moved with purpose and ease. 2 Merricks, Clanardwood Sovereign, excellent teeth, teye and body condition, good bone and knuckled feet, excellent temperament, rise over loin and covers the ground well. 3 Mears, Lealla Kinrossie Of Lordswell.

LD(13) 1 Buckleys Lealla Jokol, good size and type, standing over a lot of ground, plenty of harsh coat, good bone and feet, excellent deep ring and strong loin, long second thigh, moved with ease using hocks. 2 Peachs, Gentom Oliver Twist To Kilbourne, just a little small than 1 but in proportion, lovely neck, rib and loin, correct tail set, stands well, not the movement of 1. 3 Llewellyns, Kilbourne Macallan At Matshari

OD 1 & CC Helps Beardswood Marmion, standing over a lot of ground, flat skull, filled-in foreface, strong muscular body and loin, plenty of heart room, excellent shoulders and long second thigh, tight feet. So sound moving. 2 & RCC spencers, Gentom Orlando At Talgavar, very similar in outline and type, excells in neck, loin and good set of tail, moved well. Preffered 1 body overall.

MPB(3) 1 Vayros, Killoeter Nectar, 6 months baby, very solid body, typical outline and type, moved well and easy 2 Shannons, Erewhon Spellbinder, another 6 months baby, very happy, good outline with a neck, needs some ring training, not the movement of 1.

PB(4)1 & BP Peachs, Witch Way to Kilbourne, 11 months, good outline eand type, excellent rib, length and depth, excellent feet, strong short loin and strong neck and shoulders, wide pin bone and good length of tail, moved well. 2 Phillips, Ladygrove Belle Starr, little rangy and not the body or rib of 1, good outline, neck and topline, needs to fill-in, moved well going in profile. 3 Taylors, Guinivere Starshire From Kilbourne.

JB(5) 1 Helps, Beardswood Octavia, excels in shape, neck, solid body and bone for age, excellent length of second thigh, typical of breed and sound easy movement. 2 Mansell/Duddell, Canerikie Coco Chanel, very similar outline but ned to mature more, good type and head excellent teeth, moving close behind. 3 Parsons/McKinnons, Claonaiglen Mallie.

PGB(15) 1st. Grimshaws, Jamalison Melody nice head and dark eye, lovely neck and good shoulders, balanced overall, strong loin, excellent body and moves so well. 2 Barters, Stainlonan Bit Of Ehlaradawn, typical head, dark eye, harsh coat, excellent loin and tight feet, covered ground well. 3 Jansons, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst.

LB(14) 1 Jansons, Greyflax Lady Of The Lake to Nixophel, little small, balanced overall, good outline and type, construction without exaggeration and this showed on the move which was fluid and easy. 2 Peachs, Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne, standing quite impressive, good shoulders and neck and long second thigh, holding head down on the move and not as easy moving as 1. 3 Phillips, Ladygrove Spook.

OB(11)1 & CC & BOB Baileys, Ch. Greyflax A Kind Of Magic, good size and type, with strong hindquarters, typical head and expression with dark eye, excellent make and shape with harsh coat. Moves so well. 2 & RCC Helps, Beardwood Morwenna, smaller head than 1, excellent rib with heart room, good topline and excellent strength of loin, wide pin bones, moved well and easy. 3 Baiuleys, Ch. Greyflax Waterloo Sunset.

Robin Searle


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